Even As Profits Dwindle, Local News Radio Credibility Soars


A new study by Audacy, in partnership with Alter Agents, reveals that local news radio is the most credible source of information, surpassing TV, social media, and other platforms.

The study surveyed 2,542 listeners across seven major markets with Audacy News stations, including Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

The study shows that 85% of respondents consider local news radio to be “very credible” or “somewhat credible,” positioning it as the most trusted news medium. Local broadcast TV follows closely at 83%, with national broadcast TV at 76%. National radio news also scores a 76% credibility rating, underscoring radio’s continued reliability.

Traditional print media, such as newspapers, hold a 70% credibility rating, while digital platforms like podcasts (54%), online videos (54%), and social media (51%) are viewed as less trustworthy.

The study found that 94% of local news radio listeners are registered voters, highlighting strong civic engagement. Listeners are highly engaged in politics, with 74% taking an interest in local issues and 77% closely following national politics. 45% of listeners identify as moderate, 15% as conservative, 9% as very conservative, 19% as liberal, and 12% as very liberal.

The study further reveals that news listeners are affluent and influential. Over half earn $250,000 or more annually, and a quarter have a net worth exceeding $1 million. These listeners are dedicated consumers of news, tuning in for an average of 4.8 hours per week and are more likely to make high-end purchases, including buying a second home or leasing luxury vehicles.

The study also highlights that 92% of listeners pay attention to ads on local radio, and nearly 80% find these ads trustworthy and informative. Additionally, 74% of listeners appreciate learning about local businesses through radio ads, and 70% rely on radio for critical information during emergencies.

Audacy Chief Marketing Officer Paul Suchman commented, “In an age of information overload, Americans seek credible news sources they can rely upon. Local news radio serves as a trusted voice, delivered by brands that are deeply connected to the communities they serve.”

This study comes at a troubled time for news radio, and Audacy is not immune. The company shuttered its legacy NYC All-News station 880 WCBS-AM in August, with New York Market President Chris Oliviero saying, “New York has always been proudly unique in supporting two all-news radio brands, but the news business has gone through significant changes. The headwinds facing local journalism nationwide made it essential to strategically reimagine how we deliver the news for the most impact.”

At the time, Ad Fontes Media Chief Strategy Officer Lou Paskalis told Radio Ink, “Local, ad-supported news platforms are disappearing at the rate of two a week in this country depriving millions of Americans free access to high-quality news journalism.”

“While there are many drivers, the biggest is that marketers have moved away from advertising in news due to unfounded fears about getting their brands caught up in the culture war. Journalism is vital to our economy, society, and democracy; failing to support it puts our way of life in jeopardy.”


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