Radio’s Local Commitment Matters to Member Hospitals


(Sponsored) Radio stations played a significant role in supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in 2023. Radio’s local connection to important community causes, like children’s health, resonates with listeners and advertisers.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals would like to express our heartfelt thanks to those who give of themselves throughout the year to change kids’ health to change the future. Radiothon partners raised $33 million in 2023 to support their local member hospitals.

In interviews conducted by Jacobs Media on behalf of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, several donors generously gave during Radiothon events; these listeners became hooked by the real stories of children and their caregivers navigating difficult circumstances. The audience connects with members of the airstaff who know these local patients. This fundraising activity transcends programming, reminding listeners how radio can change lives. Radiothons add to the relationship with the audience and businesses in equal measure.

Donors have high recall post-Radiothons for advertisers who give back through sponsorship and related support. This cause connectivity strengthens the emotional connection with their customers and helps differentiate their brand from others in the market.  

Partnerships with broadcast radio and the business community matter because when we change the health of even one child or family, we will create a ripple effect felt by our communities for years to come.  

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals support children’s health in various ways, with 100% of member hospitals offering at least one program addressing social determinants of health, including economic stability.

  • 100% offer programs and/or services to foster financial stability for patients and families when receiving care. 
  • 63% offer food insecurity services as part of broader hospitals and health system efforts. 
  • 40% of hospitals offer food banks and distribution programs. 

For over 40 years, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $8.5 billion for 170 member hospitals across the U.S. and Canada. Through the power of our network, we unite communities to raise millions of dollars to meet the critical funds needed by local member children’s hospitals. We believe that through the power of our network, communities will unite to change kids’ health to change the future.

To all our broadcast partners, congratulations on an incredible 2023 – we can’t wait to see all that we can accomplish together in 2024.

See how you can support local member children’s hospitals by partnering with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals here.


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