Lou Dobbs To Syndicate Business Reports Through Red Apple


Red Apple Audio Networks has entered into an exclusive agreement with veteran broadcaster Lou Dobbs for syndication and advertising sales of The Lou Dobbs Business Reports. The reports are set to air twice daily, Monday through Friday, offering market previews in the morning and wrap-ups in the afternoon. Currently airing on 77WABC in New York, further affiliate stations will be disclosed in the near future.

Dobbs boasts an extensive broadcasting career spanning over 40 years, with 20 of those in radio. Dobbs has received several journalism awards and written eight books mostly centered on American economics. He also hosts The Great America Show podcast.

Red Apple Media Owner John Catsimatidis praised Dobbs, saying, “Lou has a remarkable understanding of market trends and fluctuations. He has the rare ability to be able to cut through the data and present insightful analysis in a concise manner. He’s a terrific addition to our line-up of big-name personalities.”

Dobbs said, “I’m excited about partnering with the Red Apple Audio Networks. Their contacts and reputation for customer service will increase our affiliate base across America.”


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