Happy Friday! This week’s Radio Ink Blast From The Past comes from Alan Peterson featuring WHMP in Northampton/Springfield, MA in the mid-’80s.
Alan tells us, “I was morning man/PD for then-CHR WHMP back when Cousin Brucie Morrow was in the ownership game and our boss. We were sponsoring an evening performance by Animal House movie band Otis Day and the Knights when they were touring. Thanks to a well-stocked costume shop at nearby Stage West in downtown Springfield, I obtained a very ornate Roman Senator costume for the inevitable Toga Party to take place that night.”
“You can tell it’s the ’80s: carts and vinyl in the background, an LPB mixer, and a genuine Drake-Chenault music runsheet on the console. Good times, to be sure!”
Thanks, Alan! We love sharing your broadcast memories at the end of every week – we even share the best in our print edition every month – and we want to see more! Carts, Reel-to-Reel Machines, and Turntables in your pictures are highly encouraged.
Send your Blast From The Past story and photo to our Online Editor Cameron Coats for your chance to be featured in Radio Ink.