What The Best Salespeople of 2025 Will Have in Common


(By Pat Bryson) What makes a GREAT salesperson? They have the highest billing on the station, right? They are constantly bringing in new accounts and upselling the old ones. But what makes them special? What is it about their “I”, their identity, that propels them upward and upward and upward?

Things the great ones have in common:

  • They have a love for selling. Period. Exclamation point!
  • They believe they are offering the best value and the best solution to their customers.
  • They place a strong emphasis on understanding their products as well as other forms of advertising, even if they don’t personally sell them.
  • They know how to LISTEN. They’ve developed it into an art form.
  • They forge deep relationships with their customers. They are thought of as a member of the customer’s team.
  • They look after the little details and provide extraordinary service.
  • They always go the extra mile – and a half.

Being part of the 20% of salespeople who write 80% of the revenue begins with attitude. Attitude about yourself, your customers, your product. 

It continues with the driving need to continually improve skills, knowledge, and work habits. 

Are you excited to go to work each day?  Are you constantly challenged? Can you think of anything you’d rather be doing?

Radio is a fun business. It is exciting. But it also requires dedication and time. You can’t be lukewarm about radio sales and be highly successful. It requires that you enjoy it and that you commit wholeheartedly. 

Great radio salespeople share a love for our business. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I hope you agree!

Pat Bryson is the CEO of Bryson Broadcasting International, a consulting firm that works with sales managers and salespeople to raise revenue. She is the author of two books, A Road Map to Success in High-Dollar Broadcast Sales and Successful Broadcast Sales: Thriving in Change available on her website. Read Pat’s Radio Ink archives here.


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