Edison: Audio Plays An Active Role In Female Sports Fandom


As interest in women’s sports experiences exponential growth in the US, Edison Research is exploring how audio shapes the experiences of female sports fans – and the data carries an important message to radio broadcasters and brands alike: “Remember the ladies.”

On Tuesday, Edison unveiled “Sports Audio Report: Female Fans,” conducted in partnership with SiriusXM Media and GroupM. The research reveals that a substantial portion of the US female population, amounting to an estimated 83 million, identify as sports fans, with 57% having engaged with sports audio content over the past year.

This aligns with previous research from Harker Bos Group’s Crowd React Media saying that 63% of sports audiences engage with sports content through radio and podcasts, with 71% of men and 49% of women consuming sports audio, with women showing a stronger preference for AM/FM radio.

Both male and female sports fans are increasingly following women’s sports, with 32% of men and 26% of women reporting a greater interest compared to five years ago. This comes as brands like iHeartMedia are forming partnerships and investing in the women’s sports area. Even so, there is a clear call for more diverse sports audio programming, as 35% of female listeners feel there are not enough sports audio programs offering different perspectives, and 34% believe there is insufficient coverage of the sports they follow.

The demand for unique perspectives and content variety is pronounced. Nearly 60% of female sports audio listeners and 67% of those who listen to sports podcasts seek out sports audio for unique insights not available in other media.

Dedication to sports audio content is notably strong among female fans. About a third of this group listened to sports audio in the last week, with 37% spending over five hours per week on such content. Female sports audio listeners are more likely to enjoy this content in social settings than men, with 80% reporting shared listening experiences compared to 73% of males.

On the subject of bonding, Edison found the importance of sports in strengthening family ties, with 70% of female sports fans acknowledging that sports bring their families closer together – a slightly higher percentage compared to 66% of male sports fans.

It all goes to show the realms of opportunity for sports media brands that better cater to their entire fanbase, not just one subsect.


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