New Data Breaks Down Audio Platforms By Power Of Dayparts


Yes, radio rules mornings. Morning shows are commonly the most coveted daypart by both air talent and advertisers, as radio fuels in-car commutes. But what about other audio dayparts? As radio branches into podcasting and streaming, what times should advertisers target?

Edison Research’s Share of Ear dataset has new revelations about listening habits across various audio platforms, segmented into traditional broadcasting dayparts. It’s important to note that this analysis focuses on each platform’s listening share within these specific dayparts, rather than comparing the overall listening figures of these platforms during these times.

As expected, AM/FM radio, experiences its highest average listening during 6-10a. Middays, or 10a-3p, emerge as the prime listening time for podcasts and streaming, alongside audiobooks, owned music, and SiriusXM. Traditional radio has lost significant ground to ad-free audio competitors in office and at-work listening, because of heavy commercial spotloads between songs.

Finally, YouTube’s music listening reaches its peak in the evening from 7p until midnight, showing a rare divergence from typical audio consumption patterns which have often declined in favor of television. This comes as YouTube offers a “screened” audio source, or is often put on as background noise.


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