Lobbyists Look To Cash In With ‘Ruthless’ Political Podcast


Club Road Associates is expanding its partnership with Libsyn’s AdvertiseCast to include their new political show, Ruthless. Ruthless features Conservative lobbyists for major global companies, providing insights into the inner workings of Capitol Hill.

With 2024 set to be a pivotal period for political content, Club Road Associates is positioning itself to capitalize on increased interest via AdvertiseCast.

AdvertiseCast SVP of Sales Anthony Savelli says, “With the rise in demand for multi-channel podcasts and YouTube content, AdvertiseCast is aligning with partners like The Ruthless Podcast. Given the upcoming high-profile election year, political content is rapidly gaining listeners, making it a lucrative area for advertisers. Early investment in these growing audiences is key to leveraging high eCPMs in 2024.”


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