FCC Institutes New Freeze After LPFM Filing Window Shuts


The Federal Communications Commission has imposed a temporary freeze on amendments to new low power FM station applications submitted during the December 2023 filing window. The window was closed Friday at noon ET, with a strict cutoff observed.

This freeze will last until 6p ET on January 31. During the freeze, FCC staff will review the applications to categorize them into mutually exclusive groups and identify applications that are not mutually exclusive with any others, known as singletons.

Following this review period, the FCC plans to release public notices detailing the identified mutually exclusive groups and provide guidance on the procedures for filing settlement agreements and technical amendments related to these applications. This process is part of the FCC’s ongoing efforts to manage the LPFM station application process efficiently and fairly.

The Media Bureau previously extended the filing window for new LPFM station construction from December 13 to that December 15 deadline. This extension was granted following requests from LPFM advocates who encountered issues with the Commission’s Licensing and Management System. The Bureau deemed the extension to be in the public interest, setting a firm deadline for applications, with any submissions beyond this deadline to be dismissed.


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