After Absence, KC’s Scott Parks Tells Co-Host, ‘You Saved My Life’


Audacy Kansas City’s Scott Parks recently returned to the airwaves after a month-long absence from KMBZ and shared the reason for his hiatus. In an intimate discussion on Dana & Parks, he revealed that he had spent the time in a local rehab facility and credited his co-host Dana Wright with saving his life.

Parks, aged 52, has struggled with alcoholism for a significant portion of his adult life. Parks admitted that a recent family trauma had caused him to relapse, prompting his 30-day rehab stint from September 25 to October 25. He said Wright was instrumental in getting him the help he needed. She noticed the relapse and, despite his objections, contacted Parks’ family. An intervention followed, involving his brother, mother, and two daughters.

Parks expressed deep gratitude toward Wright and his family, stating that they saved his life. While this was his first time in rehab, he resolved that it would be his last. Beyond explaining his absence, Parks hopes his openness will help others struggling with addiction.

“I just hope that I’m able to help someone who’s driving home in their car this afternoon, thinking that they’re all alone in this world with that problem. They’re not,” Parks told the Kansas City Star in an interview.


  1. I love your show!! You all make my day. I miss you on weekends. Also listen to Jayme & Jason. It’s so much to look forward to every week day. Both shows are number one in radio. Like your guests too and I get the latest news as it happens. Thank you for making me laugh and even cry with you. Jackie

  2. That was my exact thought. Either she left him due to his drinking or she’s in a rehab herself. Either way it was Good to hear his voice again on air.


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