In health and wellness circles, fasting is having a moment. Advocates of the practice claim that refraining from eating for specific periods of time has all sorts of health and wellness benefits. But there are other kinds of fasts, as master sales trainer and best-selling author Anthony Iannarino will tell you.
There was a period of Anthony’s life during which he underwent a lot of changes: He faced a devastating medical diagnosis, brain surgery, and a career pivot that sent him to law school. He was dealing with a lot of anger and, after a conversation with a mentor, decided that he needed to make a change.
That change? To fast – but not from food. Instead, Anthony decided to fast from negativity. He cut himself off from negative media and news sources. Then, he began to replace sources of negativity with positivity. He felt better, and it changed his life.
Anthony sat down with Radio Ink to discuss what he now calls The Negativity Fast (which is also the title of his new book, coming out on October 31st). In our interview, he explained the fast and how it works. We also discussed:
- How CEOs and other leaders can remain informed while not getting overwhelmed by negative media.
- Being realistic about negative things without letting them hijack our thoughts and actions.
- Good stress vs. bad stress.
- The importance of being a leader that encourages others to reach their potential.
Interested? You can read this interview in the November 13th issue of Radio Ink. Not yet a subscriber? Order your print or digital subscription today!
Anthony Ianarrino will present on The Negativity Fast at Forecast 2024 at the Harvard Club in New York City. If you haven’t bought your ticket to broadcasting’s premier leadership conference, what are you waiting for? Register online today!