Susan Patrick Resigns, Speaks Out After Tax Evasion Guilty Plea


Susan Patrick, co-owner of Patrick Communications, is resigning her position at the firm after pleading guilty to filing false tax returns on Thursday. She is also speaking out publicly for the first time since the news broke. Based from their home in Cody, WY, Patrick and her husband, Larry, have run one of the most active media brokerages in the US.

According to the Justice Department, despite hiring an accounting firm to prepare accurate tax returns for the years 2012 to 2014, Patrick did not file these with the IRS. When contacted by the IRS, she falsely claimed the returns had been filed. Instead, she allegedly doctored the business returns to remove $10 million in gross receipts and altered personal returns to omit over $9.5 million in income for those years. She is also accused of backdating her signature on each tax return to make it seem like they had been timely filed.

The charges assert that Patrick sought to evade over $2.5 million in taxes. She now faces a potential three-year prison term, supervised release, and financial penalties, pending further court deliberation. The case is being investigated by IRS-Criminal Investigation and prosecuted by the Justice Department’s Tax Division.

In a statement, Patrick said, “I am sincerely sorry for the pain and embarrassment that this is causing my family, friends, and business associates. To be clear, my partners in Patrick Communications, Larry Patrick and Greg Guy, were totally unaware of this. They continue to operate with the highest levels of integrity and expertise that you all have experienced from them in the past. I am resigning from Patrick Communications effective immediately.

I also apologize to the dedicated people at our radio stations across the state of Wyoming who do such a great job every day to serve their communities. Legend Communications is not related to this tax issue in any way.

This is a tax obligation based on a very serious lapse of judgment a decade ago.  I am fully ready to be held accountable and to do whatever I can and need to do to make up for my decisions of the past.”


  1. the Patrick’s? that’s messed up. i am their son that just graduated college in Oregon and i didn’t know about this at all. and reading these comments makes me sad that because my stepmother messed up, you believe it puts the whole family name in the trash. My Dad didn’t know. he had severe medical issues and truly was not aware of her deceptions.

  2. Anyone that’s worked for these criminals saw this coming a mile away. Bounced paychecks, poorly maintained equipment, slave wages for hard working and successful talent.

    The Patricks are just terrible people. Truly insidious.

  3. This is not a political issue it is an ethical one.
    So we are clear this company has done business with all the major players when needed to manage station caps.
    If the truth is ever revealed averting rules and regulations is their specialty.

  4. salary checks bouncing, and Larry letting Susan take the fall when he damn
    well knew all about this. he too is a POS, get out of Wyoming

    • I dont know who they think they are fooling with this statement. Greg may not have known, but no one will ever convince me Larry didn’t know. Also that the local issues with salary checks, etc arent related to this as she stated in a local statement.

      • Of course the bounced checks are part of this. They’re greedy criminals and don’t want to pay their help. It’s all part of the big picture of scumbags.

  5. There’s no way her husband didn’t know! The 2 of them have spent the last decade treating their employees like garbage.


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