Two Years For ‘The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show’


The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show celebrates its two-year anniversary today. Conservative talkers Travis and Sexton have expanded the show to more than 470 affiliates in that time, including WOR-AM in New York, KTRH-AM in Houston, WIOD-AM in Miami, and KFYI-AM in Phoenix.

The show’s podcast also enjoys significant popularity, with an average of over 13 million monthly downloads.

“We couldn’t be more proud of what Clay and Buck have accomplished together over the past two years,” said Premiere Networks President Julie Talbott. “They had big shoes to fill, and they hit the ground running with their fresh, dynamic, and entertaining brand of news talk. The results speak for themselves, and we’re proud to mark this milestone with them as they continue to deliver impressive returns for our partners.”


  1. You’re no better than the no good, worthless, pieces of shit known as the dumbasscunts.We don’t live in a democdacy you fucking idiot, its a CONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL REPUBLIC. AND DONT YOU EVER FORGET IT YOU COMMUNIST BASTARD.


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