Siegel Retires After 41 Years in Pre-Recorded Message


Matty Siegel announced his retirement from KISS 108 in Boston Tuesday morning. He’s been hosting mornings at the station for 41 years. He’d been off the air for two weeks and his retirement announcement was pre-recorded.

There was no long farewell show, only a short message played in the 8:00 hour from Siegel allowing him to thank everyone and say goodbye to the listeners.

The 72-year old told his audience this past year has been rough for him and after consulting with his wife and 4 kids he decided the time was right to move on.

The 2-time Marconi Award winner has had brain surgery and a broken foot over the past year. He says he’s also been more grumpy on the radio than he’d like to be. “It’s been a glorious run,” he told his listeners this morning. “I agree with my family, it’s time to walk away.

Listen to the audio of the Siegel retirement HERE.

The station is owned by iHeartMedia. There’s no official word from the company on what will become of the morning time slot on the station now that Siegel is gone.



  1. Matty just announced his retirement on the air. This is being written at 823am Eastern time Tuesday morning.


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