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Curtis LeGeyt Exec of the Year

NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt Talks AM Radio’s Whirlwind Year In DC

On May 17, 2023, the AM For Every Vehicle Act was introduced in both houses of Congress. Today, Radio Ink marks the Act's anniversary by talking with NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt about the journey that's been made and the road that remains ahead.
Jeff Burns

Counter-Terrorism Expert: ‘Only AM’ Is Reliable If The Worst Comes

A Washington-State-based emergency management and counter-terror specialist is the latest to loudly support the passage of the AM for Every Vehicle Act. Jeff Burns wrote an opinion piece for the Seattle Times emphasizing AM radio's role in safeguarding the public.
FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks

FCC Commissioner Starks Fully Backs AM Radio In NAFB Address

In an address to the National Association of Farm Broadcasting's Washington Watch event, FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks threw his full support behind the AM for Every Vehicle Act, saying the FCC will provide support and expertise as the legislation advances.
Washington DC

AM For Every Vehicle Act Gains US Senate Supermajority

On Thursday morning, the names of twelve Senators were officially added to the record as co-sponsors of S.1669, introduced by Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) this past May. Both Senators had teased the Supermajority earlier this week.
Washington DC Capitol

AM Radio Momentum Seems Unstoppable After Hefty DC Day

Tuesday was quite a day for AM radio on Capitol Hill as the band saw another bipartisan lift and steamrolled detractors in both houses of US Congress. Broadcasters, legislators, and organizations came together in a united front for the AM For Every Vehicle Act.
Gary Shapiro

Anti-Radio Rhetoric Discolors AM Testimony From CTA’s Shapiro

Consumer Technology Association President and CEO Gary Shapiro went beyond the auspices of his testimony to the US House Energy and Commerce Committee about the AM For Every Vehicle Act to attack AM/FM radio on every level during a hearing on April 30.
Techsurvey 2024

AM Radio, Gen Z, Talent, and Apps Find Wins In Techsurvey 2024

Jacobs Media's Techsurvey 2024 results were released on Thursday, offering a look into the state of the radio industry with radio's most fervent listeners. This year looked, "Pretty, pretty good," according to Fred Jacobs, with AM/FM making strides in digital evolution.
Max McCoy

After Covering Tornadoes, Journalist Joins Fight For AM Radio

Despite recent criticisms of the AM For Every Vehicle Act from print media, renowned national journalist and native Kansan Max McCoy rose to defend AM radio from his personal experiences in times of emergency, saying the band protects and informs like no other.
Connected Car Dashboard

Edison: Gen Z and Millennials Prefer The ‘Radio With Wheels’

Do Gen Z and Millennials listen to AM/FM? Do they stay away from radio altogether? New data from Edison Research's Share of Ear may have the answer for listeners aged 13-34. While numbers not a strong as some would hope for, it's certainly not bad news.

Audience Applauds AM Radio Success In LeGeyt Fireside Chat

AM radio received an audience ovation during NAB CEO Curtis LeGeyt's fireside chat during the NAB Show Welcome, as it continues to be one of broadcasting's biggest regulatory success stories of the year with the AM For Every Vehicle Act's passage imminent.

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