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Add Radio and Stir
(By Marc Greenspan) Even if you’re only paying cursory attention to the political landscape, you know this year’s races will be historic. This is not a bold statement, as every presidential election has the potential to bring about huge societal changes.
What Is Your Sales Brand?
(By Marc Greenspan) Successful radio stations have done a tremendous job of building unique brands in their market. Whether it is “more music,” “great giveaways,” or the “news source,” these brands let listeners know what to expect. Delivering on this expectation is another issue.
Your Personalities Are Influencers – Use Them!
(By Marc Greenspan) Sometimes we forget to tell a potential advertiser what makes radio great. Often it is an element that we take for granted that other potential advertising outlets are building their brands on. Your station’s personalities are influencers.
Radio’s Emotional Rescue
(By Marc Greenspan) You’ve likely read about the Mediaprobe Neuro study that found radio programming is 13% more engaging than TV. As you dig deeper into the data, it is all about how radio is a more emotion-inducing medium than TV.
Radio Keeps the Top Spot
(By Marc Greenspan) In the last several weeks, there have been numerous studies released with very positive information for radio. AM/FM radio is America’s #1 mass-reach media. Radio’s average 18-49 audience has pulled away from TV...
ZIPping Through the Data
(By Marc Greenspan) We recently ran across an article from the Christian Music Broadcasters that preached the value of using your ZIP codes - specifically, a station’s database. Let’s assume (yes, a dangerous word) that you have a robust listener database.
North Carolina Is Next To Bet On Radio
(By Marc Greenspan) On March 11, North Carolina will become the 30th state, plus DC, to legalize sports gambling. Estimates have the sports betting industry spending over $2 billion in advertising, with radio capturing greater than its historical 7% share.
Prepping for 2024’s Top 4 Advertising Categories
(By Marc Greenspan) What categories will be strong for this year? Are you ready to show advertisers the value of partnering with your station(s) to help them grow their business? Here are the top four advertisers you need to target:
Is There a Right Approach to Using Qualitative Data?
(By Marc Greenspan) In previous columns, we have discussed using qualitative data for prospecting and profiling your station. Is there a right approach to using qualitative data? When should you use quantitative data versus qualitative? It depends on your goal.
Are You Your Market’s VIR?
(By Marc Greenspan) As we start a new year, what are you known for? Think about the sales brand that you have for yourself or the station. How do you set yourself and your station apart from the rest of the pack? Start with this: