Radio’s Summer Slump Continues As Ad Play Falls


After one of the worst weeks for national ad plays in 2023, the situation keeps getting worse as June continues. According to the latest data from Media Monitors, between Monday, June 5 and Sunday, June 11, the top five radio advertisers were responsible for well fewer than 200,000 spots total – another alarming drop-off.

Progressive retained the leading position for the second week with a spot play count of 54,642. Upside held second place, despite running fewer spots compared to last week. They recorded 33,333 spot plays.

Verizon Wireless secured the third position with 32,075 spot plays. The Home Depot  remains on the list at fourth with 31,767 spot plays. Bringing up the rear is ZipRecruiter, who returned to the list this week with 30,556 spot plays.

The total spot plays for the top five advertisers amounted to 182,373. The average number of spots plays per advertiser was 36,475 – a 12% drop.


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