New Roles For Three Familiar Beasley Boston Faces


Beasley Media Group’s 98.5 The Sports Hub (WBZ-FM) has announced an expanded lineup on the station. The new schedule includes the promotion of three WBZ employees to fill new timeslots and increase local sports coverage.

Joe Murray will take night hosting duties, including coverage of Bruins and Celtics broadcasts. Leroy Irvin, who has been with the station since 2020, will have an expanded role as a regular weekend co-host and will join the New England Patriots broadcasts. Cerrone Battle, previously involved in sports podcasts and Celtics playoff postgame shows, has also joined the staff and is contributing to nighttime and weekend programming.

“Joe, Leroy and Cerrone all grew up in Boston and, like our listeners, have an engrained passion for sports,” said station Program Director Rick Radzik. “It’s nice to see Joe’s many years of dedication pay off, have Leroy’s role at the station elevated, and hear Cerrone once again in his hometown. I’m happy for all three of them!”

“Congratulations to Joe and Leroy on their well-deserved expanded roles on the Sports Hub and a big welcome, Cerrone, to the team,” said Beasley Media Group Boston Vice President and Market Manager Mary Menna.


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