Former Trump Opponent Nikki Haley Brings Her Voice to SiriusXM


She faced former President Donald Trump in the latest Republican primary, now she’ll be covering him on SiriusXM. Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley will launch her own talk show with the satellite broadcaster’s Triumph channel next week.

Airing for one hour on Wednesday mornings starting September 25, Nikki Haley Live will feature Haley conducting interviews, taking listener calls, and discussing politics, running through Inauguration Day. Haley is open to continuing beyond January if the audience response is positive.

She began her political career in South Carolina, where she was elected to the state House of Representatives in 2004, serving three terms. In 2011, Haley became the first female governor of South Carolina, serving two terms until 2017 when she was appointed by President Donald Trump as the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, a role she held until the end of 2018.

Haley ran as a Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential nomination but ultimately endorsed Trump after withdrawing from the race. Although her team has been in contact with Trump’s team about potential joint appearances, she says none have been scheduled.

Haley told reporters that her show will not focus on campaigning for any specific candidate. She claims she declined offers from partisan news outlets, preferring to create a platform that focuses on the issues rather than promoting a particular political agenda.

In a statement to the Associated Press, she said Americans don’t want to, “Watch a news show and know exactly which candidate they’re pushing and exactly what politics are pushing. They want to know the issues. They want to know exactly how it’s going to affect their family. I want to take all of the politics out and really break it down on a policy level.”

Despite non-partisan claims, Triumph is a firmly conservative fixture at SiriusXM, featuring programming from Glenn Beck, Dr. Laura, and Megyn Kelly.


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