Blast From The Past: R Dub!; KXCI, 1994


Happy Friday! This week’s Radio Ink Blast From The Past features Randy “R Dub!” Williams at KXCI in Tucson in 1994.

The photo comes from R Dub’s first on-air gig at age 15 – an unpaid shift covering early Thursday mornings at the local community radio station. That shift would officially morph into Sunday Night Slow Jams after Williams was recruited (for a paid gig) at Power 1490.

Sunday Night Slow Jams has since expanded to more than 200 stations across 14 countries, and just celebrated its 30th anniversary.

We love sharing your broadcast memories at the end of every week – we even share the best in our print edition every month – and we want to see more! Carts, Reel-to-Reel Machines, and Turntables in your pictures are highly encouraged.

Send your Blast From The Past story and photo to our Online Editor Cameron Coats for your chance to be featured in Radio Ink.


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