The Value of Authentic Gold


(By Loyd Ford) If you’re in a big company, there are people on the payroll right now trying to figure out how to get it done with fewer people or the holy grail – no people at all. That’s why many fear Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is a superstar in the shortcut. Radio has taken a lot of shortcuts. Have they made us stronger? Will AI take your job? Is that really possible?

Take a deep breath and look at it this way: what’s the first word in Artificial Intelligence? It isn’t the thing people crave: authenticity. I’m not suggesting that artificial intelligence shouldn’t be used. I’m suggesting you have something it doesn’t. Real is the thing that people crave. People want to be heard.

What is sales built on? Relationships.

What are great brands built on? Trust.

Those things are real. They are not artificial. What are you in control of today?

Your attitude. Your commitment. Your preparation for everything from your weekly sales meeting to individual sales calls. Your belief in yourself. You’re in charge of how many sales calls you make each week. Your value comes from your ability to actively listen and use what you learn to provide solutions to problems advertisers will always have. 

Your company – no matter how big it is – must always have new customers. The real value of you is centered in your ability to become better at building strong relationships and your availability to know when to react and close a sale.

Shortcuts will be used as long as people can get away with using them. There’s nothing wrong with using them.  But quality sellers who are willing to prepare, spend the most time spent selling and build and maintain strong relationships will be worth their weight in gold. Forever.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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