BFoA Gets In The Christmas Spirit With ’12 Days of Giving’


Today, the Broadcasters Foundation of America is launching “12 Days of Giving,” a holiday-themed social media campaign. This initiative will feature daily messages from the BFoA, expressing gratitude through notes from grant recipients to highlighting the positive aspects of broadcasters and philanthropy.

Over the past two decades, the Broadcasters Foundation has distributed over $15 million in aid. This year alone, the Foundation is set to award approximately $1.8 million.

Broadcasters Foundation President Tim McCarthy said, “We need to reach radio and television professionals across every channel at our disposal.” BFoA Chair Scott Herman added, “‘The 12 Days of Giving Social Media Campaign’ is a great way to raise funds and awareness of our mission, especially among junior-level people in broadcasting.”

A key focus for the Broadcasters Foundation this year has been engaging with emerging professionals in the industry with Media Mixers in New York City and Chicago. Plans for more Media Mixers are slated for 2024.


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