This Is The Time For A Special Thanks


(By John Shomby) With Thanksgiving coming up later this week, we are getting mentally ready for lots of food, family, and football. This is also a time when we, specifically, reflect on what we, as individuals, are thankful for.

How about we add one more element to giving thanks this week? Most of us have reached the point we’re at in this radio business because of some caring and knowledgeable individuals who spent the time needed (and then some) to help us grow into who we are today. It may not be a long list, but you definitely should have one.

I want to challenge you to reach out to these special people in your radio life this week and thank them, personally, for the attention, the mentorship, and the time they gave you. A timely phone call or a thoughtful email. Something they can always remember.

I have my own list and I’ll be doing this, too. Although I won’t share the entire list, I will, at least, highlight two in this column this week.

First, thank YOU for spending the time each week to not only read my column but also to weigh in with your thoughts, opinions, and encouragement. I do this, believe it or not, to, hopefully, give back some of what I’ve learned through the years. You make it all worth it, for sure.

Finally, thank you to Radio. You have been a part of my life for close to five decades. You’ve given me some tough love, occasionally, but you’ve always picked me up when I was down. You taught me to be tough, fair, creative, and collaborative. You are responsible for some of the most memorable times in my life. Most of all you keep teaching me that my heart is the most important part of what I have to offer. What an amazing, thankful ride!

Now it’s YOUR turn.

Based in Nashville, TN, John Shomby is the owner and CEO of Country’s Radio Coach. He is focused on coaching and mentoring artists, radio programmers, and on-air talent to help them grow and develop inside the radio station and the industry. Reach John at [email protected] and 757-323-1460. Read John’s Radio Ink archives here.


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