With Alexa Poised For A.I. Upgrade, Amazon Touts Radio Skills Kit


Recent studies show that over half of smart speaker owners are actively listening to local radio through their devices. In response to the increasing number of smart speaker owners using devices like Alexa for radio listening, Amazon has introduced a free, no-code Radio Skills Kit.

The kit is the focus of the latest Harker Bos Group blog, discussing how the RSK allows radio providers to control their station’s visibility on Alexa, thereby enhancing discoverability and user engagement.

RSK integration gives stations enhanced visibility, an improved user experience that eliminates the need for third-party apps, and voice activation. The voice activation and tools available to stations should only grow with the news of Amazon incorporating stronger and more advanced A.I. features into its smart speakers.

Radio station managers can set up the RSK dashboard via an Amazon account, enabling them to manage how their station is presented to Alexa users. The importance of direct integration cannot be understated. Third-party apps could make a station less discoverable if it shares a similar name with another.

For radio stations interested in RSK, Amazon provides a comprehensive guide and an informative YouTube video to assist in the integration process.


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