Lowered Ads Catch Up With Radio As Upside Drops 17k Spots


It’s been several weeks, but the anticipated post-Independence Day advertising slowdown may have arrived, according to the latest data from Media Monitors. As we continue to hurtle through the summer, radio’s top five national advertisers have experienced yet another shuffle with a slight downtick this week, possibly reflecting a more cautious approach before back-to-school shopping and ads ramp up.

The lead was maintained by Upside, though with a reduced tally of 50,124 spot plays – a significant decline from last week’s 67,787. ZipRecruiter also held onto its presence in the top three, climbing to second place with 48,405 spot plays, dethroning Wendy’s from last week. Language learning service Babbel regained a position in the top three for the first time since the week of May 29, now at the third spot with 39,419 spot plays.

Credit card provider Discover, reappearing in the top five after disappearing from the list entirely for a week, secured the fourth position with 32,815 spot plays. Batting clean-up is Swiffer, with 29,562 spot plays, taking over the fifth spot from last week’s holder, Macy’s.

The cumulative spot plays for the top five advertisers this week summed up to 200,325, averaging 40,065 plays per advertiser. This indicates a decline when compared to last week’s total and average plays of 252,271 and 50,454 respectively, aligning more with the predicted post-holiday reduction. Radio may be in for one more lowered week before fall advertising campaigns start in earnest in August.


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