Dates Set For NAB Show 2024


The National Association of Broadcasters has announced next year’s NAB Show dates as April 13-17, with the event returning to Las Vegas.

Preliminary attendance numbers for the 2023 NAB Show Centennial were also released – around 65,013. The number includes 17,446 international attendees from 166 countries, with 1,208 exhibiting companies. The figures are based on pre-show and onsite registration and are subject to an ongoing audit.

Additionally, on-demand videos from 2023 Main Stage sessions, including the welcome event with Curtis LeGeyt and FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel, are available on the NAB Show site.

“We are thrilled to have so many exhibitors, attendees, and partners from around the world join us in Las Vegas to help celebrate 100 years of innovation. More than any other year, everyone is filled with so much enthusiasm and energy as they engage on the show floor, in special sessions, and throughout the entire event,” said Curtis LeGeyt, NAB President and CEO. “We thank the NAB Show community for helping us reflect on our collective experience with media and entertainment and for previewing the many innovations we’ll see within the next hundred years.”


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