Call For More Diversity In Ownership


Jim Winston, President and CEO of the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB) and Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA); are calling for more diversity in American media ownership. In an Op-Ed piece the pair said the move should become a “national priority.”

“The communications and media industry in America especially should be one of the leading industries that adopts the ‘good business’ sense to embrace the values and benefits of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). This is not about charity or benevolence. Diversity is objectively good for business.”

NABOB and the NNPA are already working together to encourage the media and advertising industries to become more proactive and committed to diversity. The men believe more needs to be done to increase and to enhance the ownership of media businesses by African-Americans and other minorities.

To move forward in that respect, “Economic equity in media requires equal access to investment capital, technical advances in communications infrastructure, and inclusion in other industry innovations. As increased changes in the racial demographics of the nation continue to accelerate in the United States, American media must be more representative of the growing diversity of the nation.”

You can read the full Op-Ed piece Here.


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