Group Wants Cumulus to Rehire Athey


Citizens for the Republic, a conservative political action committee, is calling on Cumulus owned WMAL to reinstate former morning co-host Amber Athey. She was fired after a tweet about Vice President Kamala Harris’ outfit during the State of The Union.

The tweet, referencing the brown suit the Vice President wore to the State of the Union address read, “Kamala looks like a UPS employee — what can brown do for you? Nothing good, apparently.” According to Athey it was deemed racist by Cumulus.

Radio Ink reached out to Cumulus and asked if they were going to comment on the situation and the answer we received was “No.”

A press release from Citizens for the Republic was prefaced with, “Cumulus Capitulation to Woke Wimps Must be Countered by Listeners, Advertisers.”

“The actions of Cumulus Media is craven and cowardly. It is the total opposite of the free speech that Washington area listeners have come to expect—and respect—from WMAL,” said Craig Shirley, Chairman of Citizens for the Republic.

The release listed a number of advertisers on WMAL: Hillsdale College, Cabinet Discounters,, Edelman Financial Engine, The Reynolds Team Realtors, Grainger, and MedStar Health. Shirley said, “These companies want access to a conservative audience. They need to defend the free speech that is vital to that audience.”

Citizens for the Republic listed Cumulus Media contact information and urged the public to contact the company.

Chec out our story about the firing, and how readers responded to our question, Would You Have Fired This Host? HERE


  1. The word Racist is so misused today. At one time it was an avenue for recourse but today it is just another misused word. I was called a Racist by my waitress at an i Hopp restaurant not long ago because I asked for a cup of coffee and I said, make it BLACK PLEASE. This radio host (Athey) is walking on thin air right now but in about 3 months the only one who will remember her comment will be her, that is until she tries out for another job at another station and the new boss checks her out and says, “sorry that position has already filled” We call it a lack of experience IN Terrestrial BROADCASTING. Think before you open your Mic if that isn’t possible, how many words a minute can you type. A radio station does not need to be sued.

  2. The Cumulus/WMAL team aren’t woke. They’re just plain WEAK. I’m sure Athey can find a better job than working for those folks.

    • Firing someone who will say anything- including a blatantly racist statement- to make a name for themselves, is not weak. In fact, the opposite. The action shows strength and responsibility.

      • What is “blatantly racist” about a comment concerning the outfit worn by the vice president? Is there any reason why anyone should even care about her outfit or anything worn by anyone else at that time? Catty? Yes. Racist? No.
        I see this more as an example of the stereotypical “bimbo and bozo” morning shows that dominate the corporate airwaves these days. Instead of sticking to the issues, people such as Ms. Athey are filling our airwaves with petty comments and vapid crap.


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