WCCO Host Says Cancer is Back


WCCO Minnesota afternoon co-host Jordana Green announced on her Caring Bridge page that her cancer is back, one week after posting she was in remission. “Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. I had to tell my kids my cancer has returned. I’m sorry.
I feel like I’ve failed you and them and me.”

Green said it was only one week ago that she posted the e-mail from her doctor stating her continued remission. “But those were results from blood work done at Mayo, it was before the MRD results came back. MRD is Minimal Residual Disease. A lab at the University of Washington (Seattle) looks at your bone marrow on a molecular level, and it found .011% of T Cell ALL in my blood. We repeated the bone marrow biopsy this past Friday and it showed .0036% of disease. My doctor says any trace is a remission. I’m so sorry.”

Green says she now has to have a bone marrow transplant. “That’s quite a process.
Monday I will be admitted to Mayo to begin chemo, they have to get me back into full remission before a BMT. I will do at least 2 rounds of chemo (about 4-6 weeks each) before BMT.

Back in 2020 Green’s doctor’s found her a donor from a man in Germany and they are now reaching out to him to see if he is still willing to donate and if he’s healthy enough. If not they will look for someone else.

“My greatest risk for the next few months as they dismantle my immune system will be infections, so if we had dinner plans or a trip or anything, I will have to cancel. I wont lose my hair again until BMT so I may dye it platinum. The kids will still go to NJ for Passover but Marc and I will zoom their Seder. We will have to move back to Rochester for the transplant in a few months.”


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