That sobering thought was expressed during Forecast 2022 by Scott Schober of Cybersecurity Ventures and President/CEO of Berkeley Varitronics Systems. However, in an interview with WABC’s Julliet Huddy, Schober said there are ways to keep the cyber criminals at bay.
First some statistics:
*In 2018 the average payout for a ransomware attack was about $5K. In 2020 that average jumped to about $200k.
*In the United States there is a ransomware attack about every 11 seconds.
*About 80% of people will click on that e-mail link, triggering a Fishing Attack that infects computers with malware.
Schober emphasized that paying attention to ‘Best Practices’; can go a long way to keeping businesses safe.
The use of “long and strong” passwords and not using the same password for multiple situations is imperative.
To emphasize his point, he asked for a show of hands of those using strong passwords; only a few responded. Then he asked how many use the same passwords; almost every hand went up.
“It’s about balancing security versus convenience,” said Schober. “Slipping security in can be something as simple as using multi-fact authentication. Once you adopt it and start using it you find that it’s not that inconvenient; but it’s 10 times more secure.”
Schober, answering a question, about Cyber Security Insurance; “The early policies were good, some today are not good.” The audience member revealed he is paying a lot for the policy, that he had to answer a long list of questions when he applied; and the policy really doesn’t cover that much.
Schober shared that layered security is one of the best ways to deter cyber criminals; and it need not be expensive.
“I always preach back up you data; but backing up you data doesn’t prevent a ransomware attack but its common sense that every single company should be doing already. A mutable back-up source; disconnected from the actual computer network that can’t be modified. It’s as simple as getting an inexpensive encrypted memory stick with a codeword.”
What about software solutions? “The typical virus or malware software we pay for only stops 15 to 20 percent of most viruses and malware. A Key Stroke blocker costs about $30 and encrypts every keystroke.”
Other suggestions:
*Protect your WIFI Network.
*Try not to use ‘Free’ WIFI/Internet connections when mobile computing.
*Get rid of those unused apps on your phone.
Finally Social Media:
*Avoid those ‘Polls’, they are a perfect harvester of personal information.
*Don’t be afraid to use a ‘Fake’ birthday on sites.
*Don’t share info about family, hometowns, school affiliations.
Schober reminded everyone that all of these conveniences of modern technology have become conduits used by Cyber Criminals.