Hispanic Podcast: The Power Of Sound


Each week, the Hispanic Radio Podcast focuses on some of the key topics, facts, and trends shaping Spanish-language radio — and stations with English-language programming that target Latino consumers.

Many of these topics were shared at the Hispanic Radio Conference, held March 12-13 at the Intercontinental in Doral. This year’s two-day event was jam-packed with panel discussions delving into the Fair Play Charter and where the Media Leadership Council of the 4A’s stands today, and just what programming innovation — if any — can be seen across Hispanic radio today.

One session that struck a chord with many attendees is the focus of this podcast, and it happened to be the final session of the conference.

A closing Hispanic Radio Conference panel explored smart speakers and other tech innovations that are redefining the audio landscape. One of the participants, Havas Media USA – Miami’s head of digital Humberto Cruz, shared a fascinating Havas study that includes some very interesting intelligence on audio.

Radio + Television Business Report editor-in-chief Adam R Jacobson shares highlights from this report in this latest Hispanic Radio Podcast, which also features a great soundbyte on the proliferation of smart speakers from Jason Bailey, President & Founder of Sun Broadcast Group.

To listen to our latest podcast, please click below:




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