In a Sea of Uncertainty, Forecast Delivers the Data, Trends & Visionary Experts You Need. Here are just a few of the topics we’ll be covering in New York City on November 16.
Our Forecast 2017 Co-Chairs are Dan Mason Sr. Advisor, Broadcast Relations iHeartMedia & Julie Talbott President Premiere Networks.
Keynote Speakers include Sean Hannity Syndicated Radio Personality & Bestselling Author & Gordon Borrell CEO Borrell Associates
Here are some of the compelling topics that will be covered on November 16 at the Harvard Club in New York City.
- Economic Forecasting: Revenue Trends and Expectations for 2017
What do the experts predict for next year? How will global and domestic issues affect radio’s business?
- Prospects for Radio as an Investment in 2017: The Real Street Talk
What does a radio company need to look like in 2017 to attract today’s more cautious investors?
- Independent and Optimistic: Why Smaller Can Be Better — and More Profitable
What are the secrets to successful independent operation in today’s media and economic worlds?
- Download on Podcasting — Radio’s Untapped Goldmine?
Commercial radio podcast listening comprises less than 1% of overall consumption. How can radio get in on the action and increase its share?
- The State of the News/Talk Format
What are the challenges and opportunities for one of radio’s most popular formats? Do your stations know how to “walk the talk?”
- Inside the Minds of Agencies: Where the Other Side of the Table is Headed
As traditional Madison Avenue faces competition from analytics-driven marketing and laser-focused digital agencies, what and where are radio’s greatest prospects for growth and opportunity?
- Post-Election Beltway Banter
What do a new administration and Congress mean to broadcasters? Who’s in charge, and who’s chairing the committees that can change radio and the regulations that impact it? Shhh…this is off the record!
- Group Head Super Session
Where are radio’s leaders headed in 2017, and what does that mean to the industry?
- Annual “40 Most Powerful People in Radio” Reception
Radio’s premiere networking event.
Click here for full agenda details.