Radio Recruitment Dollars: Lesson Four


(By Chris Stonick) If you’re prospecting clients for recruitment ad dollars, you may be asking “when and where?” You could ask a client I had in Hobbs, NM. 33% of their total billing was recruitment. Over $1,000,000 with a sales staff of two! I was amazed.

I asked the manager at the time how many recruitment calls do you go on each year? His answer: none. He said his team considers every call a recruitment call. It’s something we bring up in every meeting. Even if they met with a client 52 times a year, they asked that question 52 times – because things change.

Of course, you can prospect just for recruitment as well. Take note of every billboard, banner, and help wanted sign. Go to Indeed and prospect the top companies in your city who are hiring.

Keep in mind, some of the best times not to miss would be August – November for all those companies budgeting for the following year. It’s a lot more fun talking to companies that have money versus companies that have just spent their money.

Have a question about recruitment advertising? Get in touch with me. I will be answering selections in a future article! If your radio group is looking to capture these dollars for 2025, we should talk.

For more than three decades, Chris Stonick has helped thousands of organizations across the country with recruiting and retention while generating well over $100,000,000 in billing for his client radio stations. Contact Chris at 863-397-5615 or by email. Read Chris’ Radio Ink archives here.


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