Public Media Company Finds New CEO In Isgitt


Public Media Company, a nonprofit consulting firm dedicated to serving public media, has announced Tim Isgitt as its new Chief Executive Officer. Isgitt has more than 25 years of experience as a public servant and an advocate for public and independent media. His tenure starts on July 17.

He has previously worked as a consultant, supporting nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in strategy, business, and program development. Isgitt was involved in the development and publication of The Roadmap for Local News and played a role in organizing the Summit on Local News hosted by the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands.

He has held positions such as Managing Director at Humanity United, Senior Vice President at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and Special Advisor at the U.S. Department of State. Additionally, Isgitt serves on the boards of Media Impact Funders and The Fuller Project.

“After a competitive search process that included outstanding candidates, we are thrilled to have Tim join Public Media Company and lead the next chapter in service of our mission to strengthen and expand public and independent media,” said PMC Board Chair Fred Marienthal. “Tim’s background, depth of experience, strategic vision, and willingness to roll up his sleeves to get the job done will all contribute to his ability to guide PMC and its clients.”

“Public media organizations are invaluable community assets that work every day to serve the informational and cultural needs of their local communities. I am honored to be chosen by the Public Media Company board and am excited to work with the PMC team, national organizations, nonprofit newsrooms, and stations across the country to help strengthen their essential service and impact,” said Isgitt.


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