Dick Chapin Is A Nebraska Legend


The Nebraska Broadcasters Association has honored Chapin with a “Legendary Nebraska Broadcaster” award. The award was conferred to Chapin by NBA Secretary-Treasurer Mark Jensen, past Chairperson Joy Patten, and President/Executive Director Jim Timm.

Chapin, who is 94, said “Your thoughtfulness and time devoted to presenting me with the Legendary Nebraska Broadcaster award was deeply appreciated and humbling. To be recognized by your peers in your home state is something I never dreamed of. This has made me feel really special and I owe it all to you and all the broadcasters in Nebraska. Please convey my heartfelt thanks to all of them. You have really touched me in a special way — and I will treasure the award forever.”

Jensen proposed the creation of the honor to the NBA board of directors, stating, “Dick Chapin is truly a one-of-a-kind leader in our industry. He has started and guided the successful careers of countless broadcasters, and has brought outstanding community service to dozens of cities as both an operator and as a broker who paired the right buyers with the right stations. We are blessed to have someone who has made such a strong impact on our industry right here in Nebraska.”


  1. Congratulations Dick on a most deserved honor. You’ve a major impact on broadcasting across the country as well as on 1000s of broadcasters. I’ve been proud to consider you my most influential mentor.

  2. This is so well-deserved, Dick. Congratulations from a fellow AIMS member, and the hundreds of broadcasters you influenced and mentored over many decades. Your enthusiam and energy for Radio has been amazing, and I thank you for your friendship. Your personal integrity, and sense of humor, are just two of the reasons that so many of us love you. Paul Palmer (formerly KFMB AM FM San Diego)

  3. Congratulations Dick from your AIMS GROUP which you served as Chairman for many years. You have affected the lives and careers of thousands coast to coast and we do love you!!! Kerby

  4. Congratulations to Dick. Back in the early ’70s I had the privilege of working for (with) him during the Stewart days as the Ops Mgr in Oelwein, IA. The award is well deserved.


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