Christmas Is Over… But Not For Sellers


(By Chris Stonick) To me, January 1 always started “Christmas Part 2.” In the world of recruiting ads, three major things are now working in our favor. First: the new year brings new year’s resolutions. And one of the big ones is finding a better job!

Many people are reluctant to switch jobs at the end of the year, especially if they get an end of year bonus.

Second, budgets are fresh for most companies and chances are the methods that they tried last year did not work. That opens the doors for radio… and wide!

Third, most radio sellers are looking to find ways to make money in January. That’s a perfect storm of things coming together to make the new year more prosperous. So, keep celebrating and give yourself the gift that keeps on giving – happy clients and bigger commission checks!

For more than three decades, Chris Stonick has helped thousands of organizations across the country with recruiting and retention while generating well over $100,000,000 in billing for his client radio stations. Contact Chris at 863-397-5615 or by email. Read Chris’ Radio Ink archives here.


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