New Survey Reveals 8 in 10 US Hispanics Trust Radio


New research from SiriusXM this week shows that AM/FM has the highest trust level of any traditional medium. Now Katz Radio Group is digging into its own data to showcase how those numbers translate to the highly-radio-loyal US Hispanic audience.

The research, in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, explores the trust levels associated with radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and social media, focusing on the perceptions of Hispanic consumers.

In a survey of more than 200 Hispanic respondents, 8 in 10 adults consider radio either “very trustworthy” or “trustworthy,” making it the most credible medium for this demographic. Radio surpasses newspapers by 4 points and outperforms television and magazines by even larger margins, with 10% and 13% higher trust, respectively. In contrast, social media ranks as the least trusted platform, with only 4 in 10 respondents expressing confidence in it. This means that radio is trusted by twice as many Hispanics as social media.

The trust patterns among Hispanics generally follow those of the broader US population, with radio leading across both groups. However, Hispanic adults show slightly less trust in print media compared to the general public. Social media, while still the least trusted source, fares better among Hispanics, scoring 12 points higher than the national average.

These are powerful figures when combined with Harker Bos Group data from earlier this year that shows 72% of Spanish-language audiences regularly listen to radio, emphasizing its continued dominance. While traditional over-the-air listening remains prevalent, there is increasing use of streaming via apps and smart devices. More than 70% of Spanish-language radio listeners tune in for at least one hour daily, with nearly 40% listening for two hours or more.

Audio also plays a key role in news consumption, with 71% of radio listeners and 79% of podcast listeners engaging with news frequently or occasionally. Brands that align Spanish-language radio stations can connect with Hispanic consumers credibly and authentically, ensuring that campaigns resonate effectively.


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