FCC Fixes AM/FM Fee Errors; Unfreezes CORES Payments


The FCC has addressed recent fee errors affecting AM and FM broadcasters and says licensees can once again submit payments. The Commission placed a freeze on submissions on Friday after some broadcasters had noticed higher fees displayed on the Commission Registration System, or CORES, than expected.

Licensees can log into CORES to view updated fee codes and amounts.

Due to the error, the FCC says is reviewing payments made by AM and FM broadcasters between September 10, 2024, when CORES first opened, and the present, when the revised fees were updated. The Commission will reconcile any discrepancies and contact affected broadcasters as needed.

The notice added, Low Power FM stations with call signs labeled “Call Sign – LP” are exempt from FY 2024 regulatory fees. The FCC will soon update the CORES database to mark these stations as “Not Feeable.”

Even with the hold, the fee due date remains unchanged. Broadcasters must ensure their payments are submitted to the FCC by 11:59 PM EDT on September 26 to avoid late penalties and interest charges.

Under the 2024 regulatory fee schedule, the FCC reduced costs for radio broadcasters by $100 to $1,000, depending on market size. The agency aims to collect $390.192 million in total. Fees include $585 for AM Radio Construction Permits, $1,025 for FM Radio Construction Permits, and $245 for FM Translators and Boosters.


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