The last time Radio Ink created a logo, the internet was considered a fad, Clear Channel had fewer than 40 stations, and your CHR was playing Sir Mix-a-Lot.
A lot has changed.
If you’re reading this, you’ve undoubtedly noticed Radio Ink’s major change in the past month. It certainly didn’t happen overnight, and we’re still bowled over by the response. Thank you to everyone who has reached out.
It’s been 32 years since a big branding for Radio Ink, so in that spirit, we thought we’d offer something we certainly don’t do every day: we want to cut you in on the whole refresh. Truth is, if you’ve only seen our headlines and website, you’ve only seen half of the new Radio Ink. We want you to see our new magazine, too.
Since this is such a big deal, we are giving – for the first time in our history – all our digital subscribers and readers a free copy of the most current issue of Radio Ink magazine.
The relaunch timing could not be better for you. You’re getting our most popular, highest-selling issue of every year: the 40 Most Powerful People In Radio. But there’s far more inside to be excited about. Everything has been reworked, from our columns to the table of contents.
It’s a magazine retooled for salespeople and leaders on the go. You can get the highlights from this issue in five minutes – but you’ll end up taking much more time than that to absorb the details.
Our aim is for the new Radio Ink to be a “Million Dollar Magazine,” which is to say, one that gives you the know-how and the inspiration to make close millions in deals each year, no matter your market size.