(By Rick Fink) Without sounding too critical, let me make a bold statement: most business owners don’t know diddly about advertising. What they have learned comes from trial and error, but most have had little education about HOW and WHY advertising works!
Understanding how and why advertising works isn’t a trait anyone is born with. It’s something that must be learned, and most business owners either don’t have the time to educate themselves or the desire.
This is where good media reps come in. Educate clients and watch your sales grow!
Here’s the real test: do you or your sales team know enough about HOW and WHY advertising works to teach your prospects and clients?
If we are simply talking to clients about OUR stations, OUR ratings, and why advertising on OUR stations is a good deal for them, they may buy, but chances are they will never buy as much as they can or should.
The more you educate your clients, the more they will buy from you.
Teach them…
- What Strategy is and why it’s important
- How to Create a Brand and WHY it’s important
- How people consume media
- The difference between good ads and bad ads
- About frequency and consistency
- About the strength and weakness of all medias
- About emotion and logic and the role they play in purchasing
- About the buying cycle and Marketing Funnel
- About the Marketing Pyramid
- The difference between direct response and branding ads
- The Lifetime Customer Value formula
Most business owners don’t like advertising because they don’t understand HOW and WHY advertising works or what advertising can do for their business. It’s up to us as media professionals to teach them.
Sales education takes time and money. That’s why most people sidestep it and just take what they can get. If you have the courage to invest in your business, invest in educating your media reps and your clients.
Education is ALWAYS a good investment!
Does your team need some extra sales education? Join Radio Ink for the 3rd annual Radio Masters Sales Summit, September 10-11 at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott. Walk in with questions and challenges — leave with answers and ideas. REGISTER NOW!
Rick Fink from ENS Media can be reached at 605-310-2062 or [email protected]. Read Rick’s Radio Ink archives here.