The 7 Elements You Need For 2024 Sales Growth


(By Loyd Ford) The world moves at a fast, goal-oriented pace. It’s not your fault if you think about accomplishment more than people, but it is important to remember that this is a business of relationships. Everyone wants to be heard.

This is true for your local radio sellers, their clients, people who work in advertising agencies, and people you interact with but don’t even really think about today.

Most of the relationships that survive and thrive are based on “you scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours.” That’s because we live in a world where people regularly seek out fairness. Yet the world isn’t fair and more often than not people don’t feel listened to daily.

  1. Start with a question. “How can I help?” Remember that most people want to “help themselves.” Be different by always starting here and saying, “How can I help you?”
  2. Make it your regular practice to always bring value with you. This takes preparation ahead of interaction with potential clients and existing advertisers. Being more prepared than others they see and setting the standard for yourself to always bring something that can be seen as valuable to the advertiser is how you will grow credibility so advertisers come to depend on you.
  3. If you’re in sales, your job is to listen for problems and use your creativity, products, and services to provide solutions. We all know that active listening is important, but we live in a fast-paced society and our jobs require more than they ever have. Everyone talks more than they should if you are honest with yourself. Be different. Practice listening for understanding.
  4. Great sellers don’t just listen. They know when they hear something important. They know they are in conversations to find and offer solutions to problems. Consistently listening for problems you can solve is one of the keys to growing your ability to grow revenue.
  5. People buy from those they like. How about this one? Clients will hang around and spend more money where they get results and have a good time. Are you creating fun and good times for your clients or just closing them?
  6. Your brain can be changed. Having trouble selling? Finding a potential client difficult? Don’t see eye to eye with your manager? Change your perception. Your brain controls how you see things. Altering how you see people and challenges may change everything about how you sell and how well you sell. Try. And keep this in mind. We now know that the brain can be molded for the rest of your life. Use it for good.
  7.  Most great sellers have discipline and consistency in making presentations. You know the story. “The more people you see, the more people you will sell.” Let me add this. “The more people you see more often with solutions, the more people you will sell.”

You will see opportunities today and all week. Ask enough questions and you will uncover ways you can help. The secrets to radio have always been based in imagination, connection, and local relationships. If you are selling radio well today, you are all of these things. 

In sales, we are on the front line. Encouragement and accountability are our friends as much as relationship building. Consider your standards and think about these seven (7) important elements that can help you grow your practice in your market.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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