The AM For Every Vehicle Act is making progress in both chambers of Congress as the Fall session begins with the Senate version of the Act reaching a significant milestone recently. The legislation was placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders, Calendar No. 208. This positions the bill for consideration by the full Senate. However, the legislation’s journey is far from over, as a scheduled date for the vote is yet to be announced. Those keeping track should keep an eye on the Senate’s Executive Calendar for updates.
The history of bills in Congress, like the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act from the last session, serves as a reminder that making it to the legislative calendar doesn’t necessarily assure a vote. Therefore, the fate of the AM For Every Vehicle Act is still uncertain and requires continued attention.
Meanwhile, the House version of the Act is gathering steam with the addition of four new cosponsors this week. On September 12, Rep. Judy Chu [D-CA-28], Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene [R-GA-14], and Rep. Deborah K. Ross [D-NC-2] joined the bill’s support network. They were followed on September 13 by Rep. Morgan Luttrell [R-TX-8]. This influx of bipartisan support brings the total number of House cosponsors to 154, amplifying the bill’s chances for success.
The growing list of supporters in the House, alongside the Senate’s movement, signifies a notable shift towards bipartisan agreement. However, until the legislation is scheduled for a floor vote in the Senate, it remains a bill in limbo.