Study Links Children’s Well-Being and Development To Audio


Family audio production company ABF Creative has released a study exploring the relationship between audio content and child development. The research offers compelling evidence that audio content plays a significant role in emotional well-being, academic performance, and mental health among children.

The study discovered audio holds a profound emotional impact on kids, with nearly half of the children experienced increased positivity after engaging with their preferred audio content. A significant 70% of parents rely on audio content to improve their children’s self-esteem and mental well-being.

Both parents and children enjoy bonding over music content over the radio or by streaming, while also coming together over educational material, like podcasts. In this vein, parents surveyed expressed a desire for more educational and positive content in the audio landscape. A majority of parents observed a marked improvement in their child’s academic performance due to audio content.

ABF Creative CEO Anthony Frasier said, “The way we introduce our children to sound shapes their lives in profound and often unnoticed ways. The study makes a compelling case for the tailored use of audio, not just as entertainment but as a tool for personal growth, mental well-being, and educational enrichment.”

Clinical Psychologist Kristin J. Carothers commented, “What we have unearthed is a symphony of opportunity. The link between audio content and enhanced positivity, self-esteem, and academic performance is a call to action. It’s time we create content that nurtures, educates, and empowers our children.”


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