Help the NAB and LABF Preserve Your Broadcast History


The National Association of Broadcasters and the Library of American Broadcasting Foundation are teaming up to host a webinar focusing on the significance of documenting and preserving broadcast history. Scheduled for August 23 at 2p, the webinar will be conducted from NAB’s studio in Washington, DC.

LABF Co-Chair Jack Goodman and NAB Executive Vice President of Industry Affairs April Carty-Sipp will lead the session, emphasizing the need for broadcasters to catalog their stations’ history, including significant news events, pioneering programming, and insightful interviews with local leaders. They will also offer guidance on what materials to save and best practices for inventory creation and storage.

Experts from the University of Maryland’s Special Collections and University Archives will discuss potential repositories for broadcast collections and provide advice on digitization. A session at NAB Show New York on October 26, titled Your Content is King: Preserve It!, will further explore content preservation.

NAB EVP of Industry Affairs April Carty-Sipp said,“As we celebrate broadcasting’s legacy of service to our nation and reflect on the incredible milestones from the past century, this is a timely reminder of the importance of documenting our history. We are excited to help local radio and television stations preserve and share touchstone moments, programs and reporting that have shaped our culture while we look ahead to the next century of broadcasting.”

LABF Co-Chair Heidi Raphael added, “We are absolutely thrilled to partner with NAB to offer this important webinar highlighting the importance of preserving, protecting and repurposing our treasured broadcasting content for future generations.”


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