Yee Helps Formerly Incarcerated Women With Detroit Property


Syndicated radio host and entrepreneur Angela Yee is making a meaningful contribution to the Detroit community through her latest real estate venture. Yee has purchased a 30-unit building where she will dedicate a third of these units to housing for women who have previously been incarcerated.

Yee’s focus is not on profit, but rather on the potential for positive social impact. Dr. Topeka K. Sam, founder of the Ladies of Hope Ministries, is partnering with Yee on this project. Dr. Sam, who has experienced incarceration, now assists women recently released from prison across the country, providing them with housing in several states.

Yee and her partners anticipate that the Midtown project will be completed by May of next year.

This is not Yee’s first investment in the Detroit area, as she already owns a hair store in Hazel Park and has previously renovated a house in the Boston Edison neighborhood.

Yee told CBS Detroit, “We’re providing housing for people who really need it. It’s a real struggle for people once they get incarcerated to find adequate housing. I feel like the best and most satisfying thing is when somebody is like, you changed my life.”


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