11 Ways To Be The Sales Rep Advertisers Want To See


(By Loyd Ford) It’s happening all around you. Advertisers want to see fewer sales reps. Not more. If you want to make the cut and be the one salesperson they want to see, you need a combination of essential qualities and skills that make you stand out.

Be all about your customer. Listen actively to their concerns and understand their pain points. This is putting your customer’s needs first. Tailor your sales pitch to address their specific requirements, demonstrating that you genuinely care about their success.

Become Really Amazing At Building Relationships. Read that again because I’m not saying “Know you should be good at building relationships.” Learn to sharpen this skill and make it active in every interaction. Focus on building long-term relationships rather than just making a one-time sale. Be responsive to their inquiries and feedback and cultivate trust with your customers.

Adapt your communication style to match the preferences of different clients. Everyone responds differently and sees the world differently. Use your awareness and focus on matching individual client preferences.

Know Thy Product. Really know it better than your competitors. Deeply understand the products or services you are selling. Know their features, benefits, and how they can solve customers’ problems. Being well-informed builds confidence and trust with potential buyers.

Always Bring Your Positive Game. Maintain a positive and enthusiastic demeanor throughout the sales process. A positive attitude is contagious and can leave a lasting impression on customers.

Zero-In To Be A More Effective Communicator. Hone your communication skills, both verbal and written. Highly value being clear, concise, and persuasive in your interactions. 

When You Fall, Bounce. It’s no secret that sales can be challenging, and rejection is inevitable. Stay resilient and learn from your setbacks. Use each experience as an opportunity to improve and refine your approach. Or be like my dog, Spiderman. He only sees each no as a check mark on the way to your yes.

Value Learning. Stay updated on industry trends, competitor offerings, and sales techniques. Attend workshops, read books, and seek mentorship from experienced sales professionals. Also educate yourself on the industry of your clients and potential clients.

See Yourself As A Problem-Solver Instead Of Seller. Be proactive in addressing customers’ concerns and finding solutions to their challenges. Demonstrate your ability to think critically and creatively. You’ll need this same view for your bosses and your company. Don’t underestimate the need.

Don’t Be “One And Done.” After making a sale, don’t forget about the customer. Follow up to ensure their satisfaction and offer support if needed. Building real trust and loyalty always pays off in the long run.

Focus On Protecting Your Integrity. Be honest and transparent in your interactions. Building a reputation as a trustworthy salesperson will lead to more referrals and repeat business.

You know that you have to continuously refine your sales approach today. The world is speeding up and the advertisers you want have less time and want to see the fewest people to get the most done. 

You really can become the sales rep that advertisers actively seek out for their needs, helping both them and yourself achieve long-term success. Use these eleven recommendations and be the seller advertisers want to spend their time with tomorrow.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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