10 Big Encouragement Opportunities For Sales Managers


(By Loyd Ford) You’ve just tipped over halftime in 2023. How will your year end up? A lot of the next five and a half months, especially Q4, depends on how you motivate sellers now – deep in the summer grind.

There are numerous diverse ways to encourage and motivate salespeople now. Here are some examples that might be helpful so you have more options.

  1. Recognition and rewards. Acknowledge and appreciate the achievements and efforts of salespeople through recognition programs, such as employee of the month/year, certificates, or public praise. Offer tangible rewards like bonuses, commission increases, gift cards, or company-sponsored trips. Different strokes for different folks is the mantra here.
  2. Commission and incentive structures. Establish attractive commission plans and performance-based incentives that provide salespeople with financial motivation to exceed targets and achieve higher sales volumes. You get results based on what you reward. Like it – don’t like it. What matters is what you reward.
  3. Sales competitions. Organize friendly competitions among sales team members, either individually or in teams, with enticing prizes for top performers. These competitions foster a sense of camaraderie and healthy competition, driving salespeople to excel.
  4. Continuous training and development. Oh, some managers hate this – don’t. Invest in ongoing sales training programs to enhance the skills and knowledge of salespeople. Offer opportunities for personal and professional growth, such as attending conferences, workshops, or enrolling in relevant courses. Believe it or not, this helps the best talent grow a deeper attachment to you.
  5. Gamification. Introduce gamified elements into the sales process to make it more engaging and enjoyable. Create leaderboards, challenges, and achievement badges to promote friendly competition and drive sales performance. You’ll be amazed at what a little extra creativity might get you.
  6. Clear goals and targets. Set realistic, measurable, and transparent sales goals and targets for each salesperson. Regularly communicate progress and provide constructive feedback to keep them focused and motivated.
  7. Flexibility and autonomy. This one is wicked good. Empower salespeople by giving them flexibility in their work schedules and decision-making authority. Granting autonomy can boost their motivation and encourage them to take ownership of their responsibilities. 
  8. Team-building activities. Organize team-building events and activities outside the office to foster a sense of unity and camaraderie among the sales team. This can include team lunches, retreats, sports activities, or volunteer initiatives.
  9. Mentorship and coaching. Pair salespeople with experienced mentors or provide coaching programs to help them develop their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.
  10. Celebrate milestones and successes in front of others. Recognize and celebrate milestones, such as reaching sales targets or landing significant deals. Do this celebrating in front of others. This can be done through team celebrations, special events, or rewards to create a positive and motivating environment.

Remember, different salespeople will respond to different types of encouragement and motivation. It’s important to understand their individual needs, preferences, and goals to provide tailored incentives and support.

Want my best advice for motivating and encouraging your sellers mid-year? Be like no other manager they’ve ever experienced

Let them know you care in every move you make and make it count.

Loyd Ford is president and chief strategic officer at Rainmaker Pathway Consulting Works (RPC). They help local radio with ratings and revenue. Reach him anytime at 864.448.4169 or [email protected]. Read Loyd’s Radio Ink archives here.


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