Starting Monday: ‘Why Do So Many Radio Ads Suck?’


Don’t pretend you haven’t heard one. Maybe it’s even been on your own station. You come to a stopset and there it is: a bad ad. So bad, you change the channel. Or maybe it’s so bad you don’t even hear it. Or maybe by the third time the phone number is mentioned you don’t even remember what the ad was about.

Regardless of why it’s a bad ad – they’re out there, in greater numbers than we’d probably like to admit. So in a world where radio is fighting for every single second of attention and dollar of revenue we get, why do so many ads suck and how do we fix it?

Starting Monday and running all next week, Radio Ink‘s daily headlines present a five-part series, speaking with local production directors, executives, corporate ad teams, and agency experts from the US and Canada about how to make a great ad and put an end to the “suck.”

Join us for an open dialogue on radio ads, asking everything from, “Are :60s dead?” to “How can you hone a skill like creativity?” to “Will A.I. mark the end of the local production director?”

“Why Do So Many Radio Ads Suck?” starts Monday in Radio Ink‘s headlines.


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