Leaders Called To Save AM On Behalf Of Minorities


A coalition of civil rights, tech, and telecommunications organizations, including the Multicultural Media, Telecom, and Internet Council (MMTC), is the latest urging lawmakers to support the AM For Every Vehicle Act. The bipartisan bill would require automakers to include AM broadcast radio in new vehicles at no additional cost to consumers.

Other groups signing onto the statement are ALLvanza, the National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters, the National Urban League, and OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates.

In their letter, the coalition addresses the Chairwomen of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, as well as the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. The message points out how many successful minority broadcasting company owners got their start in AM, including Urban One, Spanish Broadcasting System, and Bustos Media.

The MMTC says AM radio also plays a vital role in providing religious and in-language programming for immigrants, maintaining cultural connections, and fostering community. They call on lawmakers to co-sponsor the AM for Every Vehicle Act to safeguard the accessibility and importance of AM radio for multicultural communities.


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