Educate Thy Clients


(By Rick Fink) How well educated are your clients and prospects?

For years, while training reps, I have used the expression, “Your clients will never buy more advertising from you than they understand”. For years, while training reps, I have used the expression, “Your clients will never buy more advertising from you than they understand”. While I knew I had stolen (or borrowed) this thought, I was never 100% sure from whom I had “borrowed” it.

That was until I recently stumbled on to it while rummaging through an old file.

Here is the quote as I first discovered it many years ago:

“I have learned that you can’t have good advertising without a good client,
that you can’t keep a good client without good advertising, and
no client will ever buy better advertising than he (she)
understands or has an appetite for.” – Leo Burnett

If we are simply talking to clients about OUR stations, OUR ratings, and why advertising on OUR stations is a good deal for them, they may buy… but chances are they will never buy as much from us as they can or should.

Let me ask again… How well educated are your clients and prospects?

Now, let me ask you an even more important question… What are you doing to educate your clients and prospects? Or are you leaving it up to them and hoping they educate themselves?

If you’re interested in educating your clients and/or your sales teams, our SoundADvice e-marketing program and our TOMA Surveys and Seminars will do both. Click Here to set up a short conference call to learn more about how they work and what the small investment is to get started.

Educate thy clients and media reps and watch your sales grow!

Or… you can leave it up to your competition to educate them!

NEVER Stop Learning – Get Better Every Day!

Rick Fink from ENS Media ( can be reached by phone at 605-310-2062 or e-mail at [email protected]


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